#JCEJ 活動日記

日本ジャーナリスト教育センター(Japan Center of Education for Journalists)の活動を紹介しています!

JCEJ provides resources to help journalists in social media coverage

Japan Center of Education for Journalists (JCEJ) offers various resources to help journalists cover and investigate online content in the digital age. We've recently translated two guides into Japanese. They are both freely available on our website

A Field Guide to 'Fake News'

Our latest translation project features A Field Guide to 'Fake News' and Other Information Disorders, a work by Public Data Lab. It contains digital methods to help investigate dissemination of misleading content, trolling activities, political memes and other issues related to recent conversation around 'fake news' and social media trust. 


A team of JCEJ members and journalists translated the guide as part of our research project on dis- and misinformation in Japan, with permission of Public Data Lab. We raised funds for our translation through crowdfunding

Here's a comment from Jonathan Gray, one of the guide's authors and lecturer in Critical Infrastructure Studies in the Department of Digital Humanities at King’s College London / cofounder of the Public Data Lab;

We’re delighted to see the Japanese translation of the Field Guide to ‘Fake News’ and Other Information Disorders”. Through its various recipes we hope to inspire investigations and experiments not only around misleading content, but also the platforms, infrastructures and algorithms through which they are shared, quantified, monetised and through which they gain their viral character. Recent events serve as a reminder that this remains a vital area for research, reporting, public debate and public policy - and we look forward to seeing how the guide is used in Japan.

A Journalist's Guide to Social Sources 

We've also translated A Journalist's Guide to Working With Social Sources written by Claire Wardle, executive director at First Draft, a project of the Soreinstein Center. The Japanese-language version of the handbook has been used by a number of Japanese media organizations for in-house training. 


On the release of the Japanese-language version, Claire commented as follows;

I wrote the Guide to Social Sources as we kept hearing journalists asking the same questions about the challenges of using images and videos that they were finding on social media in their reporting. We decided to answer the ten main questions in one handbook. We have received really positive feedback about the handbook and we're so pleased to see it translated into Japanese.


We hope to further expand our collaboration with journalists and researchers around the world to share knowlege and experiences on journalism skills. 

For our research project on 'fake news' in Japan, please also see the blog post below.




日本ジャーナリスト教育センター(JCEJ)は、「A Field Guide to Fake News and Other Information Disorders」の日本語版「フェイクニュース調査のためのフィールドガイド」を報道機関の記者らの協力を得て作成しました。報道機関やジャーナリスト、研究者の方々に広く活用していただけるよう無料公開します。




ガイド著者の一人Jonathan Gray氏(パブリック・データ・ラボ共同設立者、キングス・カレッジ・ロンドン講師)より、以下のコメントをいただきました。




全5 章。フェイスブック上の偽ニュース拡散経路や、ツイッター上の「荒らし」行為、ファクトチェックの取り組みが読者に届いているかなどを調査する手法が、料理本の「レシピ」のような形式で図解とともに紹介されています。調査に使えるデジタルツールも多数掲載されており、目的に合わせて応用することも可能です。

第1章 フェイスブック上でフェイクニュースホットスポットマッピングする
第2章 ウェブ上のフェイクニュース拡散を追跡する

第3章 ウェブページの背後にある広告用の「トラッカー」に注目し、フェイクニュースのサイトを特定する

第4章 フェイスブック上の政治ミームを調査する

第5章 ツイッター上の荒らし行為をマッピングする




JCEJは、ソーシャルメディアを活用した取材のハンドブック「A Journalist's Guide to Woring With Social Sources」の日本語版も無料で公開しており、報道機関の研修などで使用されています。こちらも是非ご活用ください。


偽ニュース調査ガイド「A Field Guide to Fake News」の邦訳を進めています

日本ジャーナリスト教育センター(JCEJ)は、欧米の研究者らが作成したフェイクニュース調査のガイド「A Field Guide to "Fake News" and Other Information Disorder」の邦訳を進めています!国内でも報道機関やジャーナリスト、研究者などに広く活用してもらえるよう、今春の日本語版公開を目指します。










Disinformation surrounding Japan election monitored online through JCEJ verification project

Japan Center of Education for Journalist (JCEJ) and a research team led by Hiroyuki Fujisiro, an associate professor at Hosei University in Tokyo, launched an online verification project last month in the run-up to the Lower House election held on Oct. 22.

The project aimed to monitor disinformation floating around social media platforms and to provide voters with necessary information to make their own judgments about the information circulating around the election.


The project brought together researchers and journalists from a total of 19 media organizations including newspapers, television networks and online media outlets.

Since the launch of the initiative on Sept. 28, our team collaborated with these journalists by providing them with news items that could possibly be identified as fake. This information was sent out on a daily basis, up until the election day. News items or social posts debunked by three or more participants of the project were listed on JCEJ’s blog.

In Europe, an online verification collaboration called CrossCheck was launched by newsroom and technology firms to tackle the issue of fake news leading up to the French presidential election earlier this year. Likewise, JCEJ’s project was one of the first attempts to look into the ecosystem surrounding online disinformation in Japan.

The project was featured in a Kyodo News article, which was also carried by Singaporean newspaper The Straits Times, and The Japan Times. See the links below for more. 


You can also read this blog post in Japanese.


衆院選挙に関して、「外国人が選挙に参加してる!これあかんでしょ!」「外国籍の選挙運動は違法行為にあたる!」などの書き込みがツイッターに投稿されています。フェイクニュース確認プロジェクトの参加者は、 公職選挙法などに外国人の選挙運動を制限する規定はないことから、これらの書き込みを「フェイク」と判定しました。

















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